Forty-five stamps were issued in 1941, among them the now famous “Hitler head” definitive issue. Other noteworthy issues included the one marking the friensdhip between Germany and Italy, which featured Hitler and Italian leader Benito Mussolini.
12th January 1941, Tag der Briefmarke (Stamp Day)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 6+24Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 762)
30th January 1941, Deutsch-Italienische Waffenbrüderschaft (German-Italian Brotherhood in Arms)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 12+38Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 763)
1st March 1941, Leipziger Frühjahrsmesse (Leipzig Spring Fair)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Four values: 3Rpf., 6Rpf., 12Rpf., 25Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 764-767)
8th March 1941, Wiener Frühjahrsmesse (Vienna Spring Fair)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Four values: 3Rpf., 6Rpf., 12Rpf., 25Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 768-771)
17th April 1941, 52. Geburtstag von Adolf Hitler (52nd Birthday of Adolf Hitler)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 12+38Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 772)
19th May 1941, Kameradschaftsblock der Deutschen Reichspost (Deutsche Reichspost Comrades Block) II
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Six values: 6+9Rpf., 8+12Rpf., 12+18Rpf., 16+24Rpf., 20+30Rpf., 24+36Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 773-778)
20th June 1941, Rennen um Das Blaue Band in Hamburg (Running of Blue Riband Race, Hamburg)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 25+100Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 779)
20th July 1941, 8. Rennen um das Braune Band von München Riem (8th Running of the Brown Riband, München-Riem)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 42+108Pf (Mi. Nr. 780)
1st August 1941, Dauermarken “Hitler-Kopf” (Hitler Head definitive issue)
Dauermarken (Definitives)
Eighteen values: 1Rpf., 3Rpf., 4Rpf., 5Rpf., 6Rpf., 8Rpf., 10Rpf., 12Rpf., 15Rpf., 16Rpf., 20Rpf., 24Rpf., 25Rpf., 30Rpf., 40Rpf., 50Rpf., 60Rpf., 80Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 781-798). Further additions were made to this series in 1942 (Mi. Nr. 799-802) and 1944 (Mi. Nr. 795A).
9th September 1941, Großer Preis von Berlin in Hoppegarten (Grand Prix of Berlin in Hoppegarten)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 25+50Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 803)
16th September 1941, Wiener Herbstmesse (Vienna Autumn Fair)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Two values: 12+8Rpf., 15+10Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 804-805)
29th September 1941, Eingliederung von Steiermark, Kärnten und Krain in das Deutsche Reich (Incorporation of Styria, Carinthia and Krain into the Reich)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Four values: 3+7Rpf., 6+9Rpf., 12+13Rpf., 25+15Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 806-809)
28th November 1941, Todestag von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (150th Anniversary of the death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Sondermarke (Commemorative)
One value: 6+4Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 810)