Thirty-eight stamps were issued in 1935, in what was a relatively quiet year compared to 1934. Notable issues included the “Ostropa” miniature sheet – printed using a gum that has since become infamous to collectors of Third Reich stamps – and the set featuring four locomotives, which have become sought-after items for thematic collectors.

16th January 1935, Saarabstimmung (Saarland Plebiscite)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Four values: 3Rpf., 6Rpf., 12Rpf., 25Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 565-568)

15th March 1935, Heldengedenktag (Heroes’ Memorial Day)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Two values: 6Rpf., 12Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 569-570)

26th April 1935, Reichsberufswettkampf (Reich Job Competition)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Two values: 6Rpf., 12Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 571-572)

21st June 1935, Komponisten (Composers)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Three values: 6Rpf., 12Rpf., 25Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 573-575)

23rd June 1935, Briefmarkenausstellung “Ostropa” (Philatelic Exhibition “Ostropa”)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Four values: 3Rpf., 6Rpf., 12Rpf., 25Rpf. (Mi. Nr., 576-579) + Miniature Sheet (Mi. Block Nr. 3)

10th July 1935, 100 Jahre Deutsche Eisenbahn (100th Anniversary of the German Railways)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Four values: 6Rpf., 12Rpf., 25Rpf., 40 Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 580-583)

25th July 1935, Welttreffen der Hitlerjugend (World Hitler Youth Jamboree)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Two values: 6Rpf., 12Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 584-585)

30th August 1934, 7. Nürnberger Reichsparteitag (7th Reich Party Day in Nürnberg)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Two values: 6Rpf., 12Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 586-587)

4th October 1934, Winterhilfswerke (Winter Relief Fund) – Volkstrachten (Regional Costumes)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Ten values: 3+2Rpf., 4+3Rpf., 5+3Rpf., 6+4Rpf., 8+4Rpf., 12+6Rpf., 15+19Rpf., 25+15Rpf., 30+20Rpf., 40+35Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 588-597)

5th November 1935, 12. Jahrestag des Hitlerputschs (12th Anniversary of the Munich Putsch)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Two values: 3Rpf., 12Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 598-599)

25th November 1935, Olympische Winterspiele 1936 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (1936 Olympic Winter Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen)
Sondermarken (Commemoratives)
Three values: 6+4Rpf., 12+6Rpf., 25+15Rpf. (Mi. Nr. 600-602)